Sports & Auctions

Auctions are now used in many sectors of the economy: for sales (online advertising, radio frequencies, television rights, etc.) and for purchase (supply contracts, public markets, etc.).

A call for tenders – whether for the seller or the buyer – is approached with a strategy designed to meet an objective, which may be financial (maximizing income/minimizing costs) or qualitative.

Jean-Baptiste Vilain
Practice Sport & Auctions – Director

A graduate of Sciences Po and the École Polytechnique, Jean-Baptiste completed a CIFRE thesis in applied econometrics between 2014 and 2018. His favourite topics are game and auction theory, incentive mechanisms and the economics of sport.

Since his arrival at Veltys in 2013, Jean-Baptiste has supported many stakeholders in the world of sport (LFP, LNR, LNB, World Rugby, COJOP, FIFA, FFT, LeTROT, France Galop) designing calls for tenders and, more generally, on their statistical and data issues. His researcher’s soul, scientific approach and his taste for strategic issues allow him to make a difference to the firm’s Sports & Auctions Practice projects.

Our expertise

We provide our clients with expertise unique in France to create or respond to calls for tenders/auctions.

  • On the seller’s side: we design an optimal call for tenders
    • A study and understanding of the market, stakeholders (companies and/or consumers) and their products
    • Co-construction, in collaboration with our clients’ legal and operational teams, of the design and mechanisms of the auction in order to best meet their objectives, whether financial or qualitative
    • Definition of the methodology for selecting/evaluating offers
  • On the buyer’s side: we design an optimal response to tenders
    • Study and understanding of the market in order to anticipate the response of competing parties
    • Identification of the risks and opportunities of the auction system
    • Optimisation of the client’s bidding strategy, according to their objectives, their budget and the rules of the tender process
Our commitment

Depending on the specificities of the sector, the complexity of the market and the data available, we rely on very advanced methodological expertise in three main areas:

  • Microeconomics and game theory to ensure the best hand
  • Statistics and Machine Learning to make data speak and predict
  • Optimisation and operational research to manage complexity

Thanks to this three-pronged expertise, Veltys has become the French benchmark for calls for tenders and auction systems. In collaboration with your management and operational teams, we design the auction systems that best meet your objectives (for sellers) or we help you build the most effective response strategy (buyers).