A French strategy consultancy firm for general management, specialising in data intelligence

Kéa is a French and European consulting firm in strategy and transformation all general management issues.
Since its creation, Kéa has built relationships of trust with its customers, around 10 key sectors: Distribution, Consumer Goods & Agri-Food, Luxury, Industry, Financial & Professional Services, Construction, Public Works & Real Estate, Private Equity & Principal Investors, Environment, Energy & Utilities and Mobility & Logistics, Social and Solidarity Economy.
With its strong international network, the firm now has more than 900 consultants, including 300 in France, with 16 offices in 13 countries (Germany, England, Australia, Austria, Brazil, China, France, Italy, Morocco, Senegal, Sweden, Switzerland and the USA).
economy” is its purpose.
We work with higher education establishments and research centres on a daily basis. It is an important part of our identity that has its origins in our training and professional experiences.
Each year, we are involved in the teaching for students from the Ecole Polytechnique, ENSAE and ENSAI. We are also regularly involved in the broader life of the establishments: sponsor of the ENSAE Gala, participation in university juries, supervision of trainees, participation in student forums… By taking part in a variety of ways, we are always in contact with these establishments who formed a large part of our teams.
Our involvement does not stop there, as Philippe Février is also part of the GENES (Group of National Schools of Economics and Statistics) scientific council and is involved in the establishment’s development and strategy. Romain Aeberhardt is an elected member of the ENSAE Alumni Board of Directors.
Veltys is also a mentor for EJE, the ENSAE Junior-Enterprise.

In the academic world, we work closely with CREST (Centre for Research in Economics and Statistics) and the research department of the Ecole Polytechnique, laboratories where many of us have been (and still are) affiliated. Thanks to the CIFRE theses that we supervise, we continue to contribute to research in our favourite fields: economics and statistics. We regularly collaborate with recognised researchers on issues that require their expertise.
Nearly a third of our employees have doctorates in economics. Together, we contribute to the international reputation of research centres thanks to the publications that we produce regularly, which you can find here

JCDecaux launched VIOOH in partnership with Veltys. VIOOH is an independent, automated global planning and trading platform designed to accelerate the growth of external advertising and connect the industry to the programmatic digital ecosystem.
GEODIS launched Upply in partnership with Veltys. Upply is an international digital solution dedicated to the Supply Chain. Upply offers a set of features that bring more transparency and flexibility to the marketplace. Its objective is to make the market more efficient and help professionals in the sector to optimise their decision-making, thus unleashing their full business potential.